
This site contains the materials for an R course.


R is one of the leading programming languages in Data Science for interacting with, analyzing and visualizing data.

In this training course, we aim to provide a friendly introduction to R pitched at a beginners level but also for those who have been on R training courses previously and would like a refresher or to consolidate their skills.


  1. Getting set up - installing R and RStudio

  2. Introduction to R - Interacting with R using RStudio and introducing objects, data types and functions

  3. Working with data - Creating R scripts, working with tabular data and other types of objects in R, reading data into R

  4. Data visualization with ggplot2 - A common grammar to create scatter plots, bar charts, boxplots, histograms and line graphs for time series data

  5. Data manipulation using dplyr - Filtering and modifying tabular data, computing summary values, faceting with ggplot2

  6. Grouping and combining data - Advanced grouping and summarization operations, joining data from different tables, customizing ggplot2 plots

  7. Restructuring data for analysis - The concept of ‘tidy data’, pivoting and separating operations, ggplot2 extras

  8. Capstone project – putting it all together in a typical data analysis including:

    • reading in a data set

    • handling missing values

    • selecting and filtering subsets of interest

    • creating plots

    • generating summary statistics

    • saving data transformed into a tidy format as a csv file for later analysis